Recalls are mandatory before the server attempts any file administration, such as migration or re-striping. 在服务器尝试管理文件(比如迁移或重新划分)之前必须执行回收过程。
Administrative power with the characteristics of being indispesitive, mandatory, objected to the will of state is insufficient to explain the new phenomenon under the changes of public administration. 行政权的不可处分性、强制性、国家意志性已经不足以解释公共行政变迁之下出现的新现象。
Subject of crime is always the difficulty in the duty crime research. Official business behavior understanding, unit nature recognizing in mix system of ownership enterprise, mandatory administration, manages the state-owned property personnel are the key point this article pays attention. 犯罪主体历来是职务犯罪研究的难点,公务行为的理解,混合所有制企业中单位性质的认定,受委托管理、经营国有财产的人员是本文关注的重点。
By 1973, the Nixon Administration continues its Mandatory Oil Import Program, which is initiated by the Eisenhower Administration, and which is turned to the License Fee Program. 尼克松政府中前期基本上沿用了艾森豪威尔政府的强制性石油进口方案,后期则改为执照费用;
With the concept of a mandatory order by the Service to moderate changes, and many acts have been substantial non-mandatory use of contract administration as a flexible, proactive administration model, is also against this background to develop. 随着政府观念由强制命令向温和服务的转变,许多非强制性行为得到大量运用,行政合同作为一种灵活、主动的行政管理模式,也在此背景下得以发展。
Government procurement, is defined as government and its affiliates purchase commercial products and services in accordance with the relevant mandatory method and procedure, for the smooth operation of its daily administration activities and public services. 政府采购,是指各级政府及其附属单位为了日常政务活动的开展或者为公众提供公共服务的需要,按照法定的方式和程序,购买商品和服务的一种行为。
The administrative detention, as an important component of mandatory administrative measures, is a specific compulsion which subject of law enforcement take according to law in order to reach a certain administrative purposes and protect administration carried out smoothly. 行政扣押是行政强制措施的重要组成部分,是执法主体为达到一定的行政目的,保障行政管理顺利进行,依法采取的一种具体强制手段。
Compared to the traditional means of mandatory administration, the administrative guidance stresses that the administrative body should use a non-mandatory administrative guidance to guide the administrative counterpart to take or not take certain actions in order to achieve established goals. 与传统的强制性行政管理手段相比较,行政指导强调行政主体通过采用具有非强制性的行政指导方式,引导行政相对人采取或不采取某种行为,从而实现所制定的政策目标。
In the legal system, through the establishment of a mandatory system of environmental administration, and strengthen the means of implementation to provide power resources for environmental enforcement. 在法律制度方面,通过建立环境行政强制制度,强化执行手段,为环境执法提供权力资源。
Taxation is also a useful method to stimulate economy and a mandatory tool for public administration, which is the most frequently used tool by various countries to promote low-carbon economy. 税收作为政府公共管理强制性工具的一种是最有效的经济激励手段,也是现在各国政府在促进低碳经济方面运用最多的政策之一。
Since the environmental labeling system goes without the mandatory which traditional means of administration have but achieve effective protection of the environment and good social effects through the way of inductively economic incentives, it becomes a wide concern by countries. 由于环境标志制度摆脱了传统的行政管理手段的强制性,通过诱导性的经济刺激方式,实现了对环境的有效保护并取得了较好的社会效果,因此成为了各国所广泛关注的制度。